Archive for ‘Amazing’

January 1, 2014

Healed and Victorious


Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  I often say: it’s not in my head but I also don’t let it get in my head. As one of my sisters once said, “I don’t own it!”  My body was diagnosed with the illness, but illness doesn’t have me. I don’t say “I have fibromyalgia.”- I say “I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.”  Yes, ‘Was’ is the operative word, because its no longer my present or my future.  And I only speak of the condition for the purpose of sharing my testimony and glorify God.

After many years of pain, fatigue, endless doctor appointments and medications… I received my healing!

Eight years or so ago while at church, I received prayer  and with that prayer, I received Healing from God! I don’t attribute my healing to medicine, but only to God and Him alone! Life has never been the same since that day. Each day I live to the fullest. I don’t limit myself in anyway.

Each year, I set new challenges and new goals. I speak affirmations of His mercy and power in me. In 2013 one of those challenges was Koko Head Crater in Hawaii.  As the date of the challenge approached, I knew it wasn’t the hours of training on the elliptical or the numerous hikes and walks that would prepare me to climb to the top…. But God!


 Koko Head is described as:

Round Trip Distance: 2100 stairs.  Elevation: 1100 ft above sea level
“Koko Head Crater is one of the three craters on O’ahu along with Diamond Head Crater and Ka’au Crater…”
“Koko Head ranks in the middle of the three craters…”
“Koko Head ranks up with best of them on the island with its 1050 railroad ties stairway.  The stairway of railroad ties is easily visible from the road and reasonably intimidating. The steps are just wide enough to where you can’t stride them out in just one step. After the first half of the stairway there’s a bridge over a little valley, which can be a little bittersweet, the steps on the bridge are smaller but slipping is a possibility. After the bridge, the stairs get a little steeper but the end is near. Once at the top the view of Hawaii Kai and Hanauma Bay are breathtaking not like you have any to spare after the hike. There is a pillbox that allows hikers to stand on top and get a nice 360 degree view of the island. Once ready to head back down you quickly realize how tired your body has become with shaky legs and the loose gravel under your feet. Yes hiking up was tough but the hike down has a challenge of its own.”- Brandon LaCarter, Blogger

When the day arrived, I started my walk with God.  Doubt and fear sunk in as the hill got steeper and the sun beamed hotter and hotter on me. Three quarters of the way up at a approximately 925 steps, I sat and wept. I was struggling not only physically but more so emotionally because I knew my body could not do it… But I knew that with God all things are possible. I wanted and desired to prove it to myself by finishing that hike.

I wept and cried out loud but inwardly to myself  for God to hear me.  My heart’s desire was to just do it!! To Glorify Him! For His Mercy and Grace in my life. I wanted to do it as part of my testimony of His healing power! I wanted to do it to show Him I could, because He healed me… To give Him thanks and glorify Him…. Suddenly, I stood with renewed energy and determination, and completed my challenge that day and declared victory!!!


I am Healed and Victorious because HE>i (HE is greater than I)HE>fibromyalgia  (HE is greater than fibromyalgia)   And I > Koko Head because He is in me!  To God be the Glory!

 People tell me “I would never know you have fibromyalgia” And I always respond -“Good!  Because I don’t know it either” – and I share my testimony.   I’m not healed by  medicine but by God. God is good!

God is able! And through Him we are able to do all things! – He can heal your body too!

“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”  Philipians 4:13

   Carmen Sepulveda- Manchester, Connecticut USA

Koko Head View

May 31, 2013

Kathryn’s Story

Out of all the people on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen ME to be His treasured possession. ~ Deuteronomy 14:2 (NIV)

Read Kathryn’s Story.

Yet Another Testimony of His Unfailing Love for us!

May it bless you as it blessed me!


February 24, 2013

I held on to the Word of Truth…


A couple of years ago, I had lost my job, lost friends, my family deserted me and I was going through marital problems because of our financial struggles.

We went  back and forth with our mortgage bank to get a loan modification for four long years…  I felt desperate, alone and in despair.  Many a times I would cry out to God, but He in His great love would comfort me.

There were days where I just wanted to give up on keeping our house. I placed offerings on behalf of our home and prayed, read Psalm 112:3 “Wealth and riches are in my house and His righteousness endures forever” and many other Bible verses.

I even prayed all over the house placing my hands on each door, all the walls and everytime I would sweep and mop the floor I would pray for God’s grace and great mercy to give us our home.

Yes, I cried out to God for help and God gave us the Victory in Jesus Name!!

Just a couple  of months ago, the bank is offered us a 40 yr mortgage loan with 2% interest rate!!! They said: “If you make your monthly payments on time, we will forgive $47,125.53 of the principal loan balance of your loan each year on the anniversary of your first trail period payment date for three years.”

Praise GOD, for HE alone is faithful!!

Jesus took me to the following scriptures:

  • Deut 28 1-14 (turning my ways)
  • Philipians 4:4-9, (dispite my pain and daily anxiety to rejoice in Him even in tears and confusion)
  • Colossians 1:15 20 (The Supremacy of Christ above all things)
  • Matthew 6:14-15 (for I had to forgive everyone who came against me, very painful experience because it was one of my most intentional things I had to do)
  • Matthew 6:25-34 (I had to learn to trust in God once again every day and push all of my negative thoughts and emotions to the side)
  • Matthew 12:33-37 and James 3 (training my thoughts and the words that came out of my mouth, which were careless and full of doubt).
  • Proverbs 31 (in order to hold on to my marriage in understanding God’s purpose for it)
  • John 5:19 Jesus said ” I tell you the truth”, and again in verse 24 “I tell you the truth” verse 25 ” I tell you the truth”

Jesus kept repeating how He was speaking the truth to me so I had a decision to make and it was to stop hearing what everyone else was declaring over my life and trust what Jesus was declaring instead.

I held on to the Word of Truth, even when I felt desperate, alone and in despair… But God!! By his Grace and great Mercy are we still living in this house! Praise God!

To God Be the Glory and ALL the Honor! AMEN!

Liz Lyn

Florida, USA

July 30, 2012

In His Grace: The Original Assignment

For the last five or six months, I have been praying and seeking God in about “In HIs Grace”.

Recently, while traveling to Islamorada for an Event, I was listening to Christian music, singing along and at the same time talking with God in my thoughts. I was thanking Him in detail for everything He was doing in our lives and then I asked Him: “God… In His Grace… What about In HIs Grace? These testimonies… Its been so slow. Is it something I am not doing or maybe there is something else I should try?

And suddenly, instantly… as clear as day, God reminded me the true purpose of In His Grace!

Out of no where, the memory of the dream & vision he gave me in 2007 came alive in my mind!

I exclaimed, “Oh My God… ” while my jaw dropped so far down that my own husband, Wayne asked “What? What happened?”  Even though Wayne kept waiting for a response my mind kept playing the memory and the word “Remember” kept repeating itself so loud in my spirit.

It took me a while to be able to talk.  I was driving and the music was still playing in the car. My husband kept looking at me, asking “What??” while waiting for a response.

Suddenly it became so clear! I felt amazed! I was in total awe! How could I forget! OH MY GOD! I said, “Thank You God! Thank You Lord!  Thank you Holy Spirit!” With a vast of emotions and a new sense certainty, peace and joy, I was able to share with my husband what God had just done. The more I share the more excited and overjoyed I became! My human mind kept interrupting me by asking “How did I get so side-tracked?” But I knew in my spirit that it was all part of God’s plan!

After our trip, I came straight home and I search for my 2007 journal where I recorded a series of prayers, dreams & visions that lead to the day God shared His initial plan for In His Grace.

Today, I take this opportunity to share with you as well!

Introducing “In His Grace” ~ The Beginning

During 2006, I became very eager to speak of God’s Grace. I had been working in a Women’s shelter as Director of Victim’s Services for six years and although the services we provided helped the women we served… The women came with broken hearts, their spirits chattered with no self-esteem and no hope. Because of the Domestic Violence cycle, in some cases even their friends and families had failed them, they were isolated and felt so alone. We did everything in our power to rekindle hope, built self-esteem and set new goals for a new life… a fresh start. But my spirit knew better. I knew that in reality what they really needed was God… Our Lord and Savior Jesus in their lives.

You see, I was also a survivor of Domestic Violence years prior and I wanted to share with these women how God helped me through my situation and made me who I was.  I was alive because of His Grace… but due to the policies and the politics of the agency I was sternly told by my supervisor that I was not to speak of God in the workplace, specially with the women we served.

Eager to share the true meaning of grace, hope, peace and success through my God with the women, I began to pray.

I prayed daily: “Lord please give me the opportunity to be an instrument… I just want to share with everyone what you had done for me… so that others can experience and have what only You can provide. Show me, use me, tell me what to do. Allow me the honor to serve You so that you can be glorified.”

About a year or so later after a series of dreams that showed me bits and pieces of “marketing” God’s works… I had a dream/vision that would give me instructions word by word, step by step about Project: In His Grace.

The Dream:  Project|In His Grace (March 2007)

Yes! “In His Grace” was originally an assignment, a project to complete!

In a very vivid dream, a very large Hard Cover Book was presented to me, like a portfolio. The front cover opened and pages started turning slowly at first to show black and white photographs of people of all ethnic backgrounds, and all ages with a small caption of one or two sentences expressing gratitude for what God had done for them on the corner of each page…  As the pages started turning faster the photographs became a slideshow, and I started to hear and see a description….

In His Grace

  • 365 People – 365  Days
  • To capture the essence of God’s Grace in their lives.
  • An opportunity to Thank God and give Him praise for all He has done.

I saw photographs of families, individuals, couples, children, pregnant women, elderly, newborn babies from all over the world in their own environment and a very casual setting.

I saw regular people smiling at my camera while embracing their spouses  or their child. I saw single people, men and women… I saw elderly people with smiling with confidence in their hearts that they made through with our God.  I saw happy children that had survived sickness and abuse. I saw teens that triumphed over peer pressure and couples that surpassed financial difficulties and burdens… I saw people that were just grateful to be healthy, alive and well. People in farms, people by the ocean, in the mountains, even in their native tribes. I saw photographs of people in places I have never seen in life.

I heard and saw the words “To bring Hope, Strength, Peace, Love, Victory, Triumph, Faith, Healing, Deliverance, Salvation…  

Then I heard with clear understanding: “This is such a hard time for the Life of this World. People are searching for a sign of hope… Millions will receive the message and will be inspired.” 

Towards the end of the slideshow a song with words I could not make out played in the background… And on the back of the book there was DVD slideshow of all the photographs that played with a song of hope not yet written or heard.

When I woke up I had clear unsderstanding of my assignment. I was so overwhelmed the vision God had given me that night. I could not stop crying… In fact, I couldn’t report to work for a couple of days. The dreams and visions kept coming during the following few weeks. God showed me other bits and pieces of where this project would lead.

The Journey:

In the process of trying to fulfill the Vision of sharing God’s Grace with people around the World… I somehow lost track of the original “Project” that God assigned to me in 2007.  I concentrated in finding full testimonies vs collecting the Photographs accompanied by testimoniy statements of 1 or 2 sentences!

Thus I take this opportunity to introduce “Project: In His Grace|365 days of God’s Grace”!

A Photographic Portfolio of God Grace!!  

(Laughing) I must admit… That day, while driving to Islamorada after God showed me the original plan oce again as He had shown me in 2007… I felt a sense of relief!  Yes, relief! God not only showed me the original plan, but he also showed me how I reacted to the plan back then! He showed me how desperate and overwhelmed I felt with the number 365! (Laughing!!!) He reminded me to the point that I was laughing at myself saying “Oh My God I was freaking out!” The number 365 seemed so unreachable back them!

I couldn’t help but laugh but I also apologized for forgetting and for becoming discouraged… And more so I Thank Him for His Never-ending and everflowing Grace upon me… for believing in me even when I doubt it myself… For His loving patience and kindness.

Suddenly the number 365 became lighter, attainable, friendly! I told my husband that day, “365? That’s nothing! We can do this!”


Therefor… I take this opportunity to invite anyone to be part of this Project!

If you are interested in participating please contact me at

PS> Don’t be surprise if I just see you and ask you to participate!

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY…” Revelation 12:11 Let’s spread God’s Grace in our Lives!

“To make known to the children of man Your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom” Psalm 145:12 

July 16, 2011

Abused and lost… Now saved and healed!

I was so lost

It all started in the summer of 1976. I was an 11 year old boy and I can really say that I was on the shy and timid side. As a child, I never got into trouble in school or at home and I didn’t have many friends for that matter. Looking back now, having those traits probably made me an easy target, but who can tell with child molesters.

My stepfather was my molester. It started that summer of 1976 when my family went to visit my aunt and uncle in Georgia for vacation as every year. But this year was different. While every one was still out and about, my step father approached me for the very first time.  I was like a stone figure, not able to move or even talk. To this day, I have never been as terrorized as that moment. He began telling me how it was ok for boys to do this because he had with all his friends growing up. When it was over, I could  not even speak and he could tell I was affected.  He told me that it was ok for me to feel different, that it was natural and that I would be ok. He told me specifically that I was not to tell anyone because they would not understand.  Embarrassed by the whole experience and not knowing what to do, I did what I was told… I did not say a word to any one and the rest of the vacation went on as usual.

When we got home, he approached me again about a week later, one afternoon when no one was home. Only this time he was very violent and angry. Afterwards he was as calm as anything, and he proceeded to tell me that if I told anyone of what had happen at home or in Georgia that nothing would happen to me… Instead he would kill my mother and my sister and that he would get away with it because he was older than me and no one would believe a kid anyway. He said that he would leave and I would have to live with the fact that I had killed my mother and sister. Therefore, it was my choice… and of course I choose to never say a word.

Soon after that conversation I really prayed to God.  Oh Sure, I prayed to God before that but I prayed just kid stuff… This time was different, I had a true need. I was eleven years old and I prayed really hard with my whole heart asking God to please make my stepfather stop.

“Please make the police come and take him away. Something! Anything! Please God help me!”

I would pray every night but the abuse continued. Time passed, I prayed a little less, looking out my window at night to the heavens wondering if he heard me. “Do you care about me?… Are you mad at me?… Am I too dirty for you now?…”  The more time passed, the less I prayed.  I would ask, “Are you there? Why do you let this continue? Do You hate me?”  Eventually, I stopped praying…

By the age of 15, I was a hard rock inside. No one could tell what I had and was continuing to go to through… No one, not even my mother, siblings, teachers, friends…  I was able to hide it all like a World Champion.

During the summer of 1980, the sexual abuse stopped and the physical abuse started.  At this point my stepfather just became angry at me all the time and would hit me for no reason at any time. I was a nervous wreck around him because I would never know when he would hit or throw something at me. He was just crazy at this point.

It was not until I was 17 on a Saturday that I just felt I had enough and I fought back. I was sweeping the garage and all of a sudden out of nowhere I felt the sting across my back. He had hit me with an extension cord!  At that point, before I knew it I just turned around and attacked him. I punched him twice in the face as hard as I could. He never touched me again. But I was so mad at myself I could hardly stand it. The realization of ‘if I had only fought back years ago, none of what I had gone through would have happened’ hunted me daily. Soon after my graduation from High School, I joined the Army and left home.

As years passed, for some reason, I had blocked all the abuse out of my life and my mind. I had forgotten what had happened to me growing up as a child but it had taken a huge toll on me, I just did not see the effects.  I was a mess. I got married, had a son, got out of the Army, went through a divorced and married again… all in 10 years. My mother and stepfather were still married and they used to pick up my son from school and watch him until we got out of work in the evening. Life went on as normal, until one evening I found out that my Stepfather had tried to target my eight year old son! That is when the memories and everything that happened to me came rushing back.  It was 1993, I was 28 years old and it was the first time I’ve ever spoken about it.

The fact that I had put my son in danger was unbearable to me. I began a journey of depression and shame that would continue for years.  I went to countless counselors and support groups for several years, in addition I took a the steady regimen of prescribed drugs to try to help me but I was so lost and so was another marriage.

But there was one constant through all of these years, I had no relationship with God. To me, he had abandoned me as child or was not real for that matter. I was just angry and hurt to no end.

Years went by and I continued to live this way. There was no hope just a never ending road of depression, bitterness and anger that found no end. It was not until 1999, when I was contacted by an old high school friend, Margie.  We first met in 1980, when we were 15 years of age and I had not heard from her since 1981.  Eighteen years later, I get an email from this woman saying how she had always remembered me and how much I had stayed on her mind all these years. Immediately, we began emailing each other, renewing our friendship and learning about what we had both been through in the past 18 years. We decided to meet  and my heart felt feelings I never felt before in my life. I knew that instance that this woman was going to change my life and fulfill all that was missing, but how? Margie was a spiritual woman and she kept insisting that it was a God thing… God? There is no way! Could it be?  How after all this time is life changing in such an amazing way? Maybe God was with me after all.

He was with me always...

Margie and her three children moved to Orlando and along with my two children we married on Sept. 30 2000.

Together we began to attend a church in Orlando with my sister and my mother. Still skeptical with the idea of God in my life, I went to church only because Margie wanted to go… but in the process I started to see God in a total different light. We moved to Clermont and there Margie found Celebration of Praise. We began attending and watching my wife as she experienced the love of God in a new higher level helped me be more conscious of His presence in our lives. God used her to bring the teachings to help me heal, let go of my past, forgive my abuser and let God’s love and majesty back in my heart and in my life. In 2006, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since, the Lord has shown me that He was with me always… even through the storm of my abuse. He was with me through all of those years of depression and guilt. God showed me that it was He who brought Margie back in my life… And that He meant for us to be together.

Today God is every thing in my life. He has provided for us all of our needs. He has healed me spiritually and emotionally. I am no longer depressed and I am at peace and happy with my life. I trust in God completely. I am a better person because of His love in my life. God truly works in mysterious ways but for me, He knew just what he was doing. I praise Him daily and thank Him for his Love… for He has surely proven His love for me.

If you are or have been a victim of sexual and/or physical abuse, please do not stay silent. Tell someone what is going on if it is occurring and even if it is in your past, confide in someone you trust. Remaining silent is what the enemy wants you to do because he knows that silence will fester and destroy you from within.

But most importantly, seek out the Lord for guidance and for the strength to forgive those who have wronged and hurt you…  And never forget that He is always with you.

Wayne Puckett ~ Florida, USA

He has healed me spiritually and emotionally.

1 Kings 19:11-12

“Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.”

February 19, 2011

Share God Stories

We just wanted to share this wonderful article from Wisdom Hunters! It coincides with In His Grace’s Mission: To share God’s work in our lives!

“Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds” (Psalm 71:17). A soul might explode, unless it shares about God’s faithfulness…

Wisdom Hunters is a great way to start your day with amazing articles that come to your inbox daily. You can subscribe to their Daily Devotional on this page as well!

January 12, 2011

Formal Invitation to Join Us!


In His Grace


Has God been good to you in any way?

Are you grateful for what God’s has done in your life?

Have you ever desired the opportunity to share your testimony?

Do you want the opportunity to change someone’s life by sharing your story and God’s works with them?

Do you sometimes feel the urge to scream out loud “Look at what God has done for me!” ?

Do you want to give God praise through your testimony?

Do you want to be part of a life changing project for the Glory of God?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you can be part of God’s Portfolio!

There is no cost involved…

Anyone is able to participate!

No matter what your testimony is:  Great or Small.

No matter your age group:  Children, pre-teens, teenagers, young adults, adults, seniors.

No matter your ethnicity:  We are all God’s children in His eyes!

The only requirement is to Love and Appreciate God and have the desire to tell the world what He has done in your life!

All we need is your short written testimony and if available, a scheduled time for a short photographic session. (Photographic sessions are free of charge)

If you want to participate or you know someone who would like to participate, please CLICK HERE or email us at

All for the Glory of God!