Archive for ‘Abuse’

January 10, 2014

“Jesus Loves You” – Lee and Julia’s Story

Lee & Julia Vozel- Bangor, MAine

Lee & Julia Vozel- Bangor, Maine

Julia first encountered City Reach when Pastor Brian and a team of people were evangelizing in a homeless shelter in downtown Pittsburgh. Though she was caught in a destructive lifestyle of drugs and prostitution, she repeatedly turned down their declarations of “Jesus loves you.” But Pastor Brian gave her a card and told her that she could come to the Women’s Hope Home if she wanted to get out. A few weeks later, she called Pastor Brian, crying.  He and his team brought her to the Hope Home. When asked why she was crying, she said “You told me Jesus loved me, but how can He love me?” When she was younger, her father killed himself, her family deteriorated, and she started engaging in destructive behavior. She didn’t understand how Jesus could love her. Pastor Brian told her that Jesus did love her that He died for her and He had a wonderful plan for her life. Julia committed her life to Christ, and went through the women’s Hope Home program. During that time it was evident that God had restored joy into her life. She began to share the new hope she had with others and showed it through her devotion and enthusiasm for serving God. She graduated from the women’s Hope Home, became a leader and eventually the women’s home director.

When Lee first came to the men’s Hope Home, he was addicted to heroin and as a result, landed in the hospital due to the abscesses all over his arms. Although the doctors thought they might have to amputate it, God was healing Lee, and his arm got better. He stayed in the Hope Home for a few months, but he wasn’t really motivated to change. This was clear when one day after taking Lee to visit his mother, Pastor Brian was downstairs in the men’s home and heard a thud from up above. He ran upstairs and there was Lee, on the floor with a needle and an empty bag of heroin next to him, clearly having overdosed. They called the paramedics and began praying.

After trying various methods to revive him, the paramedics said “This man has been dead for 30-40 minutes, but we’ll make one last attempt to save his life.” They took a needle full of Narcan and shoved it into his heart. Lee sat straight up, and the first thing he said was, “Pastor I’m sorry.” Pastor Brian went to see him in the hospital, and told him that he had to get his life right with Jesus because no one is promised a tomorrow. And there in the hospital, Lee gave his life to Christ. He graduated from the Hope Home and began to serve as the men’s home director.

Lee and Julia were serving as the home directors at the same time, and soon they began a dating relationship. Shortly after, they were married. It was a miracle! These two people had lives that were full of destruction, both were “dead” in their sin, and Lee was literally dead, but God changed everything. He gave them hope and a purpose. He brought them together in a healthy, godly relationship.

Their lives have been transformed. But this transformation and hope is not just for their lives.  Lee and Julia had a baby boy named Titus. Lee&Julia001-2The change that Lee and Julia experienced will now be passed down in the next generation through their own son. Titus will know a life filled with love and hope, with two parents who serve God and serve others.

When Jesus changes somebody’s life, it’s has a “ripple effect”:  changing not only them, but also many others around them.  Baby Titus is living proof of that.  This is the power of the gospel in action!

And now it’s time for God to change a few more lives, because he is calling Lee, Julia and Titus to move to Bangor, Maine to do His work there.

On November 3rd Lee and Julia packed up and moved to Bangor, Maine where God was calling them. They are walking beside the Pastor and his wife to help plant a church in the inner City of Bangor. “City Reach Bangor” also operating with the Church is the Christian Recovery Homes such as the “Hope Homes.” Their Church mission is to reach the one who is far from God and help them become a Passionate follower of Christ through the tools they offer. Lee and Julia are currently traveling in the surrounding areas and testifying to God’s Grace to try and raise awareness of this new work they are starting, to gather support for the Men’s and Women’s Hope Homes. The Grand opening of the Men’s Hope Home was November 6th. A Women’s Hope Home is also in their Vision. God is doing a work in Bangor.  There are already 3 men in the men’s home already receiving the life power of Jesus. One of the men has not been clean since 1992. The church will not be planted until sometime in 2014.

If you could please keep the leaders and this work being done in Maine in your prayers that would be greatly appreciated.  That would be greatly appreciated. If you would like more information or would love to contribute to the work that is going on in Maine feel free to contact Lee or Julia Vozel. Or you can also go to the link or Visit Facebook ( Bangor, Maine. Thank you so much for your support. You are helping them reach the next person in need of a miracle just like they were.

 Note from Julia and Lee:  All it takes is one person to pass this special gift of hope on. I’ll never forget the woman who shared her testimony with me that day in the Shelter and it gave me hope and and changed my life forever. She planted a seed in me! If you have a story which we all do, I want to encourage you to share it.  You never know who needs to hear it. Sometimes it’s not what we do but what we set in motion. Our deepest misery becomes our ministry! May The Lord shine his face upon you!!! God Bless You!

Lee & Julia Vozel   –Bangor, Maine


Contact information for Lee and Julia Vozel:

Julia’s Email: 
Lee’s Email:  

February 11, 2012

When I gave it all to Jesus… I became free!

I want to start off by saying how difficult this is for me to share my story with all those who will read this. This is a true story and accurate to the best of my ability to remember.

Even though many of you will never see my face, the thoughts of those scars residing in times past, will without mercy, overwhelm me, bringing that dark and tortured heartless nightmare back to a saved man once again. I should tell you even though these memories may bring great sadness to my heart, they by no means thrash me in slavery as they once did in my past. I am a man who has been covered by the blood of One who truly loves me, so much so, that when He took that wicked man that I was, upon Himself, I became stripped and emptied awaiting new instruction, left with a radiant new heart, being saved from the slavery in which I was chained to, for what I thought was an eternity without hope.

Before I move forward in sharing with you my past, you will come to see someone who bore great anger against his father. By my growth In Christ Jesus through His Love releasing me from that dark self made wickedness, I have seen just how lost that my father truly was.  His pain, his sadness and his inability to see Christ and what He has to offer, was so far out of reach that he sought no relationship with him, wanting no one to speak with him about God.  I sorrow greatly for him with forgiveness and love bringing not the past to the present for any accusation, holding no anger against him but only praying in hope for his soul, knowing that he too can become a mighty tool in the furthering of God’s word with love being released from the torment within, walking together as brothers In Christ.

As a child I grew up in a home which harbored great physical abuse upon me and my siblings whenever we did anything wrong, or just because our father endured a trying day at work. My memories take me back to a time when my father’s rewards for our wrongs would bring the wrath of his belt, his fist or his open hands, and if by any means he did not feel satisfied, he would grab us by the ankles, hanging us upside down against the wall and would proceed in beating our heads into the floor.

We would be playing with great joy and sharing the thoughts of a child-like fantasy in some made up war theme, playing with little green army men, when suddenly our father, swinging the door open to our room with great force, bringing us to an immediate trembling in fear of the pain that was about to take place, grabbed my brother lifting him under the shoulder with one hand bringing him high and to the wall, proceeded to beat him as if he were a monstrous beast to be killed.

My heart would race and tears would fall from my eyes knowing that I was next and with great confusion and despair I could not find a place to hide avoiding the anger that filled my father’s heart at that very moment. When he finished with his violent corrections inflicted upon my brother, he quickly threw him aside and turned towards me as if a lions hunger was left unsatisfied. Quickly grabbing my shirt by the chest, with great force he threw me against the wall striking me in all vulnerable areas across my body, leaving me feeling each blow like a rippling explosion consuming my body every second. With a quickening speed, he pulled me away from the wall just to slam me back up against it once again, removing the very breath that was left within my body, bringing my cries for my mother to a silence.

Finishing his wrath from exhaustion, he threw me into the dresser as if I were a toy with such strength that it toppled over and crushed me underneath. The pain from the dresser falling upon my body was so over whelming that I again lost my breath, leaving me with an inability to cry out. Then walking out to leave us to care for our own wounds, we laid very still attempting to calm our rapid breathing, crying in silence, horribly afraid to make our father’s wrath any worse.

That night alone in my room after bedtime, by sheer desperation, after so many years of abuse I sought the help with praying hands calling upon satan himself to end my father’s reign in our lives. In peril and torment lasting day after day, hatred and anger became common place within my heart, birthing a vengeance inside of me that only satan himself could place a definition upon, and by no means was this vengeance passive or unresponsive.  At the very age of 9 years old, I fired back, but not of my own will….. something in me snapped, and even though I was still small in comparison to my father, I was a monster to be feared.

After a beating from my father one day, as he was walking out, I broke. My whole body and thought process just shattered. It was as if something else hoarded itself within me, taking over. Coming up from the floor with fire screaming from my eyes, I proceeded to attack my father grabbing anything and everything that was available to me at that time. From that moment on I could only remember bits and pieces of flashes as to what happened in all that took place. I had no idea as to what I had done, the most I can remember is my father running from me heading down the stairs and from there everything went black as if my very existence ceased. I awoke and everything in my room was destroyed, I struggled for air but couldn’t get enough, my sight was hindered by a fading blackness that would come and go within seconds, my body was paralyzed with exhaustion having tears falling from my eyes rolling off my cheeks, listening to every drop hit the floor as if I were floating over a pond.

Within a few minutes of my awakening I heard sirens, and soon after, the sounds of many footsteps racing up the stairs running to my room with many people hovering over me as if I were going to die. Sweeping me away just as quickly, they placed me, tied to a gurney, arms and legs restrained from any movement injecting me with something that immediately put me to sleep. When I awoke from the medication that was injected into me, I found myself locked in an institution being assessed for information concerning my long term stay.

It is with great sadness for me to say that my fears and pains were not over, I had a false hope of safety from the pains that I thought would end. I was now starting with a completely new round of torture and pain, one that I knew never existed, leaving me feeling hopeless and worthless as if my very life meant nothing to anyone. I was left without hope of ever feeling the love and joy from any one person again. I soon found myself in a downward spiral facing over 20 different institutions within my years as a youth and young adult. In those institutions, much hardships and hatred was engraved into me, searing within the very depths of my soul. I was at the mercy of those whom I was supposed to trust and yet even they found in their temptations ways to hurt me without others having any knowledge, threatening me of the oncoming doom I would endure if I was to ever reveal their dirty secrets. In my growth, relationships with others was,“to say the least”, unhealthy. All my friendships and relationships were born and tilled in these institutions. My first girl, fights, fun, arguments and schooling were all part of my life in these institutions. I even received my GED under the guardianship of a state institution.

By the time I was sent back to my parents, we were moved by my father’s new job within months of my release. In no time, I lost the ability to remain in my new home because of my disobedience leaving me homeless and in hunger. I ended up finding a place to stay in these apartments that were being constructed about a mile away and my little brother with his great dedication would bring me food and drink, hoping for a better solution to my situation. But in desperation and lack of wisdom and anger, I felt I had to make a choice and I knew no one in the new state that I lived in and knew many from the state that I left , so with little, money and no clothes to pack I left and headed to those I knew best and felt safest. To my surprise very few came to my response for help and being under age I had no real avenue or prospects for work. The streets became my home now and I soon found out just how keen predators were in picking out those who were runaways or just lost and desperate souls.

It happened within the first few days, I was manipulated into going with this man to his home and being as hungry as I was, the promise of money through small tasks, seemed alluring, tempting me to a degree of happiness through the pounding uneasiness residing within the depths of my stomach. As soon as we got to his home these tasks changed and he took off his shirt and requested that I rub his back. I was in danger and I knew it, so giving him a relaxed agreement, I told him to lay down and when he did I immediately ran to and out the door and continued to run until I could take no more, hiding in a building shaking in great fear of him ever finding me. You may find this to be a lesser story to which you might have wanted to read, but nevertheless the impact of the immediate danger was real and the offenses of my past granted me the wisdom of discernment. The rules of survival had changed; I was no longer living in a controlled environment and no longer were others also limited by their environment.  It was a grab for all, especially in the parts of the city that I found to be easy access to the things I might need.

As days went on, I soon became so overwhelmed with hunger that I raided a McDonalds dumpster in order to fill my stomach. And fill that stomach I did. My time spent looming on the streets left me cold, hungry and scared, searching for places on a nightly basis to rest my head in a safe environment. The goodwill dumpsters became my home at night finding warm donated blankets and safety because I could dig myself deep and be hid out of site. About a year later, I was so fed up with the life on the streets being unpredictable at every turn I picked up a pay phone and dialed 911 telling them that I was a run away from another state and I needed help. It didn’t take long for them to arrive and with gentleness they brought me back to the station and questioned me as to where I was from and do I want to go back. As much as I didn’t want the same thing to continue to happen with me and my father, I said yes I want to go home. The officer got up from the table and went and called my parents house and soon returned with an angered look upon his face, and with compassion and regret he told me my father never wanted to see me again. I was speechless but not surprised and yet for some reason it hurt. I was soon within 1hr or so delivered to a lockup for kids until they could determine what to do with me. Within weeks I was taken in front of the family courts asking me as to why I was in the situation that I was and with the answer explained they were still left as to where to put me. I told them that I could stay at a homeless shelter until my birthday and then they could release me from state guardianship at that time, reaching the age of 18.

To my surprise this was allowed.

After years in this never ending cycle of a perverted and tampered edition to the meaning of life, I did find a way out and to me it was the Holy Grail (Drugs and alcohol). These two mind bending products hid the pain and brought about a boy who in times past could only fantasize such happiness. By no means did this cure me as to what I thought was my life beginning anew, though I was numb to the abominations of my current and past circumstances, what I felt to be a new life soon became a hidden liability changing me into the hunter and not the hunted. I inflicted much pain and tribulations upon those whom I thought were my friends and those closest to me, even the stranger passing by. I’ve stabbed people, and stolen that which never belonged to me, from homes, people, cars and whatever I suppose you could ponder. I received what I reaped in many lockup facilities and each time I came out going right back to the drugs and alcohol. Those products, I felt to be the loved ones of my life in that I could trust and base my daily decisions on. I know now more than ever that if I hadn’t been under such influence of drugs and alcohol that there would be several people who would be at peace in their lives, not troubled over being victimized by what they may interpret as a heartless piece of trash worthy of only darkness behind bars.

The thrashings of my past living within me dictating and consuming my soul with fire left me alone not only within myself but brought a wall between me and my Creator. It was always the thoughts as to why did all this happen to me, and how can I end this, seeking vengeance with these impurities and evil to be imputed to all those whom I felt transgressed me. I, of myself, became an idol to my surroundings and by no means did I ever feel or consider as though I was undeserving of the satisfaction for revenge. I cannot stress the hatred and the evil that took comfort within the depths of me. I felt as if you all had no right to live and with that I was the one who should address the actions into your deaths. I ponder wicked thoughts in my heart and wished horrible things to take place upon others hoping for their torturous downfall. I wasted so much time hoping for the fall of those who hurt me, wishing those who tore pieces from my heart would suffer a greater torment.  I never knew how much time I wasted in allowing such thoughts to consume me. My anger and hatred for others imprisoned me. I was no one but belonged to everyone.

I’ve spent 35 years of my life thinking of nothing more but vengeance. In that energy and emotion I spent so much in thought towards others that I found myself to be lonely, hurting for more, searching for truth and peace from this torture that I myself fed throughout my lifetime. Eventually my anger directed itself inward.  I found myself to be thinking bad thoughts just by habit and yet my very heart cried out for understanding and comfort. I could take no more, I knew no way out, my very life was consumed with the thoughts of others and they themselves where carrying on with their lives as joyful and fulfilling without thought of me.  I didn’t matter to them.

I was broken and didn’t know it, I was laid up in sickness and dying in an illness that consumed me by habit (Drug Abuse). The doctors knew and spoke of my nearing death. I was finally at the end, I could go no further in my dying body and I knew within the marrow of my very bones that I was condemned. But somehow I knew, even though that every part of me was wicked and undeserving, that there was hope. I knew because I saw no other path that lead out but the path of righteousness. I broke down and cried upon my covers and asked with a fearful broken heart calling out to God, Save me Father, save me, I am so undeserving of your love, let alone your desiring attention, yet I, Father, ask within my cold and wicked heart will you please take this broken man that you see and save me from the depth of hell that I so well deserve. I am yours I surrender; you have all of me, do with me what you wish, just please come into my life and save me my Father.

With those last words coming to a finish in my prayerful cries to God, a voice penetrated every part of my body, giving me that chance, allowing me to know that He would be there for me, but it was the only chance I had. I was afraid, I had not experienced such a thing in my life, but I submitted to His authority and from that very moment on I walked as a new born baby, walking and stumbling throughout my new growth with a new heart. I cried so much in pain from all the years I’ve wasted not knowing the love and forgiveness that God’s Son Jesus Christ has had awaiting for me. My life was made new in Christ, I am in love with others forgiving all, thinking not of the wicked things I can do to others, but having much concern for those who take so much of their own thoughts and time to justify their hatred. I stemmed such growth on the very words of God to counsel me in my every step. If I slipped and reverted to a sneaking wicked habit I would call out the words of encouragement and love from the Bible, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.  I knew in my heart that I was a refined individual stepping ever closer to that heavenly gift promised to me. And yes my friends, my walk with Christ was not one filled with riches and complete peace in this world but one filled with riches and peace within the Holy Spirits residing presence in my body, having a growth and understanding from the temptations and hard times, refining the new man that I am, founded firmly in God’s word ready for that righteous and revealing Day of Judgment for all.

In all, I may have had some hard times in my growth with God but my heart stayed at peace in Jesus and as I drew closer to Him, He drew closer to me, filling me with his wisdom and love for all. I could not and would not trade my true love “God Almighty the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” for the life that I left behind. I no longer stand in fire with the hatred of satan within my heart. I now stand in righteousness firmly founded upon the true wisdom in guidance and love for every thought and step I take in this new life.

Our anger that we hold in our hearts, only projects an image of immaturity and loneliness posting our feelings as if we deserved the throne of charity, boasting around about as if we owned authority. We already stand condemned in our lives without Christ Jesus, even if we live a life of joy and prosperity, even if you fill that you stood strong guiding your children up in great wisdom, even if you strived to love and give to others with all your might and dedication.

In all this… anger… depression… happiness…a giving heart… a dedicated mother or father or a hard responsible worker, you will still stand condemned being judged alone and your sentence will be that of an eternity in the depths of hell to be tormented forever, never seeing another death again.

If you have not the Father, all that you do stands against the Father being sin and the Father being God Almighty in His Righteous Judgment cannot and will not look upon you with mercy in that revealing day of his Glorious Son coming for the gathering of his children, those who have died first then those who stand alive next, but all taken within a twinkling of an eye.

But in all this suffering and prideful living, we don’t have to stand alone to face this judgment and condemnation, for we have an attorney (Jesus Christ), an advocate standing with powers far above kings and kings against kings, ruling all as far beyond the sights that man could endure to see or imagine. Where by Him in His unwavering love, will stand in our place and speak of the great sacrifice that has been given to cover our sins. There is no room for Christ in our lives while such bountiful riches in our hearts take weight to the wants and desires of this world in the individual’s life.

You may fill as though it’s too much to give up, too much has been done, I have so much to straighten out, if only I can just put this away. Take this, my very words to heart with all sincerity that I speak to you…. Through the very thoughts being of the same mind in times past that you now have, I give you this promise as even the Father has promised me and all those who come to Him unclean or clean. You can at anytime with a sincere and repentive heart call upon the name of Jesus Christ confessing your sins no matter how big or small and in you will He fill with His Holy Spirit, renewing your hearts in a new birth ready for that redeeming and revealing day of salvation for all whom believe in the Son of God. Remember also this, if by any means this may comfort you, God does not measure salvation by the weight that you carry, instead the Father’s Son, Jesus Christ enduring the burdens of sin throughout the world, died so that he could lift that weight off your shoulders carrying it for you.

When I gave all that I was to Jesus allowing his love to bear my burdens, I became free in spirit and mind.I can only pray and look upon you with a wishful heart that you would share such a gift with me being released and having hope in the now and ever after.

This testimony is such a small piece from that person you may think you see. But let me please with love speak to you with gratitude thanking my Father God almighty and the Father of our precious Lord Jesus Christ, that by my tribulations and trials, though they be in many numbers, they are the golden cups by which I may drink of for your edification, confirming the love and patience of our Father, tilling and planting the purity of truth into your groaning hearts for the revelation of Jesus Christ your Savior and love,that you by no means search any excuse to deny Him but by the wants of your own hearts condemning yourselves to the eternal condemnation awaiting all those that choose by freewill “that” which they can see, leaving behind “that” which they cannot see bringing the very words “Faith and Hope” to no avail.

I pray my most precious love. Please awaken a dead, angry and wounded heart out of the condemnation of eternal fire awaiting those who know you not and give them the same confirming hope that you so graciously blessed upon me. Watch over them and give them light to see, circumcising their minds for your glory and their understanding, walking in confidence on that narrow road leading to your kingdom. Bless them Father Bless them even from the very concerns of my heart, if it be your will. In your Son’s Blessed name I pray for them Father, for your Glory and Kingdom will come, in your name will a new earth be revealed and may we all find Your Welcoming Arms awaiting us in our day of redemption.


It would be of great joy to hear from others, lost or saved bringing the Word of our Savior Jesus Christ together, building strength and unity amongst fellow partakers of the Promises of God for the edification and confirming Word for all.

Please feel free to write me at (

Thank you Sincerely,

Thomas Fleshood

July 16, 2011

Abused and lost… Now saved and healed!

I was so lost

It all started in the summer of 1976. I was an 11 year old boy and I can really say that I was on the shy and timid side. As a child, I never got into trouble in school or at home and I didn’t have many friends for that matter. Looking back now, having those traits probably made me an easy target, but who can tell with child molesters.

My stepfather was my molester. It started that summer of 1976 when my family went to visit my aunt and uncle in Georgia for vacation as every year. But this year was different. While every one was still out and about, my step father approached me for the very first time.  I was like a stone figure, not able to move or even talk. To this day, I have never been as terrorized as that moment. He began telling me how it was ok for boys to do this because he had with all his friends growing up. When it was over, I could  not even speak and he could tell I was affected.  He told me that it was ok for me to feel different, that it was natural and that I would be ok. He told me specifically that I was not to tell anyone because they would not understand.  Embarrassed by the whole experience and not knowing what to do, I did what I was told… I did not say a word to any one and the rest of the vacation went on as usual.

When we got home, he approached me again about a week later, one afternoon when no one was home. Only this time he was very violent and angry. Afterwards he was as calm as anything, and he proceeded to tell me that if I told anyone of what had happen at home or in Georgia that nothing would happen to me… Instead he would kill my mother and my sister and that he would get away with it because he was older than me and no one would believe a kid anyway. He said that he would leave and I would have to live with the fact that I had killed my mother and sister. Therefore, it was my choice… and of course I choose to never say a word.

Soon after that conversation I really prayed to God.  Oh Sure, I prayed to God before that but I prayed just kid stuff… This time was different, I had a true need. I was eleven years old and I prayed really hard with my whole heart asking God to please make my stepfather stop.

“Please make the police come and take him away. Something! Anything! Please God help me!”

I would pray every night but the abuse continued. Time passed, I prayed a little less, looking out my window at night to the heavens wondering if he heard me. “Do you care about me?… Are you mad at me?… Am I too dirty for you now?…”  The more time passed, the less I prayed.  I would ask, “Are you there? Why do you let this continue? Do You hate me?”  Eventually, I stopped praying…

By the age of 15, I was a hard rock inside. No one could tell what I had and was continuing to go to through… No one, not even my mother, siblings, teachers, friends…  I was able to hide it all like a World Champion.

During the summer of 1980, the sexual abuse stopped and the physical abuse started.  At this point my stepfather just became angry at me all the time and would hit me for no reason at any time. I was a nervous wreck around him because I would never know when he would hit or throw something at me. He was just crazy at this point.

It was not until I was 17 on a Saturday that I just felt I had enough and I fought back. I was sweeping the garage and all of a sudden out of nowhere I felt the sting across my back. He had hit me with an extension cord!  At that point, before I knew it I just turned around and attacked him. I punched him twice in the face as hard as I could. He never touched me again. But I was so mad at myself I could hardly stand it. The realization of ‘if I had only fought back years ago, none of what I had gone through would have happened’ hunted me daily. Soon after my graduation from High School, I joined the Army and left home.

As years passed, for some reason, I had blocked all the abuse out of my life and my mind. I had forgotten what had happened to me growing up as a child but it had taken a huge toll on me, I just did not see the effects.  I was a mess. I got married, had a son, got out of the Army, went through a divorced and married again… all in 10 years. My mother and stepfather were still married and they used to pick up my son from school and watch him until we got out of work in the evening. Life went on as normal, until one evening I found out that my Stepfather had tried to target my eight year old son! That is when the memories and everything that happened to me came rushing back.  It was 1993, I was 28 years old and it was the first time I’ve ever spoken about it.

The fact that I had put my son in danger was unbearable to me. I began a journey of depression and shame that would continue for years.  I went to countless counselors and support groups for several years, in addition I took a the steady regimen of prescribed drugs to try to help me but I was so lost and so was another marriage.

But there was one constant through all of these years, I had no relationship with God. To me, he had abandoned me as child or was not real for that matter. I was just angry and hurt to no end.

Years went by and I continued to live this way. There was no hope just a never ending road of depression, bitterness and anger that found no end. It was not until 1999, when I was contacted by an old high school friend, Margie.  We first met in 1980, when we were 15 years of age and I had not heard from her since 1981.  Eighteen years later, I get an email from this woman saying how she had always remembered me and how much I had stayed on her mind all these years. Immediately, we began emailing each other, renewing our friendship and learning about what we had both been through in the past 18 years. We decided to meet  and my heart felt feelings I never felt before in my life. I knew that instance that this woman was going to change my life and fulfill all that was missing, but how? Margie was a spiritual woman and she kept insisting that it was a God thing… God? There is no way! Could it be?  How after all this time is life changing in such an amazing way? Maybe God was with me after all.

He was with me always...

Margie and her three children moved to Orlando and along with my two children we married on Sept. 30 2000.

Together we began to attend a church in Orlando with my sister and my mother. Still skeptical with the idea of God in my life, I went to church only because Margie wanted to go… but in the process I started to see God in a total different light. We moved to Clermont and there Margie found Celebration of Praise. We began attending and watching my wife as she experienced the love of God in a new higher level helped me be more conscious of His presence in our lives. God used her to bring the teachings to help me heal, let go of my past, forgive my abuser and let God’s love and majesty back in my heart and in my life. In 2006, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since, the Lord has shown me that He was with me always… even through the storm of my abuse. He was with me through all of those years of depression and guilt. God showed me that it was He who brought Margie back in my life… And that He meant for us to be together.

Today God is every thing in my life. He has provided for us all of our needs. He has healed me spiritually and emotionally. I am no longer depressed and I am at peace and happy with my life. I trust in God completely. I am a better person because of His love in my life. God truly works in mysterious ways but for me, He knew just what he was doing. I praise Him daily and thank Him for his Love… for He has surely proven His love for me.

If you are or have been a victim of sexual and/or physical abuse, please do not stay silent. Tell someone what is going on if it is occurring and even if it is in your past, confide in someone you trust. Remaining silent is what the enemy wants you to do because he knows that silence will fester and destroy you from within.

But most importantly, seek out the Lord for guidance and for the strength to forgive those who have wronged and hurt you…  And never forget that He is always with you.

Wayne Puckett ~ Florida, USA

He has healed me spiritually and emotionally.

1 Kings 19:11-12

“Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.”

May 18, 2011

He saved my life and now I’m finally at peace.

I was born and raised in Colombia during very difficult times. I can still remember how we lived in very poor conditions.  Even after all of these years, it still hurts to look back. The civil war had made our hometown a very unsafe place to live. Corruption was every where… Extreme poverty, lack of food and shelter inundated the place. My mother struggled to keep me safe and provide me with food and shelter.

I can still remember when I was about 7 or 8 years old, a group of men broke into our one room home. They beat and raped my mom numerous times right in front of me.  They looked at me while they were abusing my mom and said terrible things.  They would laugh and tell me to watch closely because once I grew older, they would come back and do the same to me. I would never forget the terror in my mother’s eyes and the screams that filled the room that day.  I was so terrified… I can barely remember anything else after that.  All I know is that right after that, maybe the next day or so, My poor mom still bruised and in pain, packed some of our clothes and we walked for endless hours and miles until we were able to find transportation to Bogota.

Once we arrived to the city, my mom found work as a housekeeper. For many years she worked for 2 to 3  families at a time and eventually, I started to help her as I grew older.

Because of the circumstances, I never had the opportunity to go to school. Therefore, I do not know how to read or write.

When I got old enough, I found a job as a waitress. I worked there for several years. When I was in my late twenty’s, I met a young couple. He was American and she was German. They had little children together. They offered me a job taking care of their children and their home. The job offer came with an airline ticket to the United States.  I took the job with the hope to help my mom financially and start a new life.

Once in the United States, I worked with this family for about 3-4 years until they had problems with the government and had to move out of the country. At that time, they asked me if I wanted to go with them, but I decided to stay and try to find another job.

The jobs I found after that paid me very little money and sometimes they did not pay me at all… The people were not as friendly and they treated me very bad. I found myself being abused and in some cases tortured with fear and threats. Not knowing how to defend myself or what direction to take, I would just stay and live with the situation.

But no matter what, I always held on dearly to the hope of being able to find peace and tranquility in my life.

In 1978, I was hired by a veterinarian as a live-in housekeeper to care for her children and her home. That is when my life took a drastic turn.  The doctor was a single mom who was very cruel and abusive towards everything and every one.  I am not sure what happened to her marriage but I do know that her husband had left her and their children. She had an addiction problem with prescribed medication and alcohol which made her a very angry and abusive person.  Living and working under her was a dreadful nightmare with no end. I lived in fear not knowing what would come next. I felt that I had reached the end of my limits.

I had no one to speak to because I was not allow me to communicate with anyone.

I could not stand the mistreatment any longer. I did not want to live in this world anymore. I was tired of trying to find peace… I did not see any other way out but to end my life. I figured that the only way to find peace was to end my life.

That morning I woke up with a plan.  I cleaned the house, did my chores for the week, picked up my room and prepared the meal for that night.  I knew the time and the place… I had the hour calculated to the very end.  I knew that I had to leave the house before the doctor came home.  To my surprise, as I was getting ready to leave when the door bell rang.  I did not know who it was since no one ever came to the house.  Surprised, and confused at the same time, I was led to answer the door.

I opened the door slowly and only half way.  I found two women smiling right at me and I noticed that one held a book in her arms across her chest. At that instant I heard a strange but loud powerful voice inside of me saying, “That is the Bible, the word of God!”

Soon after I heard that voice one of the women spoke and said,“Hi! How are you today?…” At that instant, I could not help but to brake down and pour out my heart and share everything I was going through with them.

They introduced me to the Father and Jesus Christ. That day I learned that God loves me and that Jesus gave His life for me, that there is hope and that through Christ all things are possible.

From that moment on, I felt a peace that I can’t describe… A peace that has never left me to this day. The urgency to end my life ended that afternoon never to return.  I was cleansed from all the depression, even of my situation.

The women left and I continued my day as any other day.  That night while I was asleep I had a dream. In the dream all I can hear was the same voice that spoke to me earlier when I answered the door. The Voice said, “You will never be alone, the Lord is with you. You will travel to Florida and there you will find peace. You will never suffer again”

A couple of days later the two women returned to the house and they instructed me that if anyone came to the house and asked me if I wanted to return to Columbia or stay in United States, to let them know that I wanted to stay here. They gave me their number to call them as needed.

A few days after that, a couple of gentlemen came to the door and asked me a few questions, including “Would you like to go back to Columbia or stay in the US?” I answered, “I want to stay here”

I don’t know what happened to the children or the doctor, but I do know that I called the two ladies and they took me in. They helped me find a job where I was treated better. A few years later, I was taken to Florida just like the Voice told me in the dream.

I have been here since. Several years after my arrival, I was hired by Ms Lady who has been so good to me. She has been like an Angel from God.  I am an old woman now… My body is old and achy. Today, after 23 years of working for her, she takes good care of me.  I know it was my Father who placed it in her heart to keep this old woman in her home, even though I am not able to work like I used to.  I am so grateful to the Father for such a gift of mercy and kindness.

I now see that God was always with me even through the terrible times… It was He that sent those women to save me that night… I thank Him everyday…

I live in such peace and with joy in my inner being knowing that God is real and He is with me all the time…

Although I still do not know how to read or write, my Father God always communicates with me through dreams and daily talk. I know that I am here today because of His loving kindness. He is such a great merciful Father! Oh How I love Him!

I don’t desire wealth or riches… But I do wish I was able to read so that I can read the Bible daily and serve my Father by ministering to others about His goodness…  I pray blessings over Ms. Lady every day…  I pray that people seek my Father daily and that they too find peace in Him like I have…

The world would be a better place if everyone follow the Father…   The world needs  our Father. Oh how grand is to be in His Presence! That is where I want to be always. Oh how I love Him!


Florida, USA

Note: This testimony was translated and written from Ms. Robertina’s spoken words with her permission and willingness to share with others what God has done for her.