Posts tagged ‘Victory’

January 1, 2014

Healed and Victorious


Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.  I often say: it’s not in my head but I also don’t let it get in my head. As one of my sisters once said, “I don’t own it!”  My body was diagnosed with the illness, but illness doesn’t have me. I don’t say “I have fibromyalgia.”- I say “I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.”  Yes, ‘Was’ is the operative word, because its no longer my present or my future.  And I only speak of the condition for the purpose of sharing my testimony and glorify God.

After many years of pain, fatigue, endless doctor appointments and medications… I received my healing!

Eight years or so ago while at church, I received prayer  and with that prayer, I received Healing from God! I don’t attribute my healing to medicine, but only to God and Him alone! Life has never been the same since that day. Each day I live to the fullest. I don’t limit myself in anyway.

Each year, I set new challenges and new goals. I speak affirmations of His mercy and power in me. In 2013 one of those challenges was Koko Head Crater in Hawaii.  As the date of the challenge approached, I knew it wasn’t the hours of training on the elliptical or the numerous hikes and walks that would prepare me to climb to the top…. But God!


 Koko Head is described as:

Round Trip Distance: 2100 stairs.  Elevation: 1100 ft above sea level
“Koko Head Crater is one of the three craters on O’ahu along with Diamond Head Crater and Ka’au Crater…”
“Koko Head ranks in the middle of the three craters…”
“Koko Head ranks up with best of them on the island with its 1050 railroad ties stairway.  The stairway of railroad ties is easily visible from the road and reasonably intimidating. The steps are just wide enough to where you can’t stride them out in just one step. After the first half of the stairway there’s a bridge over a little valley, which can be a little bittersweet, the steps on the bridge are smaller but slipping is a possibility. After the bridge, the stairs get a little steeper but the end is near. Once at the top the view of Hawaii Kai and Hanauma Bay are breathtaking not like you have any to spare after the hike. There is a pillbox that allows hikers to stand on top and get a nice 360 degree view of the island. Once ready to head back down you quickly realize how tired your body has become with shaky legs and the loose gravel under your feet. Yes hiking up was tough but the hike down has a challenge of its own.”- Brandon LaCarter, Blogger

When the day arrived, I started my walk with God.  Doubt and fear sunk in as the hill got steeper and the sun beamed hotter and hotter on me. Three quarters of the way up at a approximately 925 steps, I sat and wept. I was struggling not only physically but more so emotionally because I knew my body could not do it… But I knew that with God all things are possible. I wanted and desired to prove it to myself by finishing that hike.

I wept and cried out loud but inwardly to myself  for God to hear me.  My heart’s desire was to just do it!! To Glorify Him! For His Mercy and Grace in my life. I wanted to do it as part of my testimony of His healing power! I wanted to do it to show Him I could, because He healed me… To give Him thanks and glorify Him…. Suddenly, I stood with renewed energy and determination, and completed my challenge that day and declared victory!!!


I am Healed and Victorious because HE>i (HE is greater than I)HE>fibromyalgia  (HE is greater than fibromyalgia)   And I > Koko Head because He is in me!  To God be the Glory!

 People tell me “I would never know you have fibromyalgia” And I always respond -“Good!  Because I don’t know it either” – and I share my testimony.   I’m not healed by  medicine but by God. God is good!

God is able! And through Him we are able to do all things! – He can heal your body too!

“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”  Philipians 4:13

   Carmen Sepulveda- Manchester, Connecticut USA

Koko Head View

February 24, 2013

I held on to the Word of Truth…


A couple of years ago, I had lost my job, lost friends, my family deserted me and I was going through marital problems because of our financial struggles.

We went  back and forth with our mortgage bank to get a loan modification for four long years…  I felt desperate, alone and in despair.  Many a times I would cry out to God, but He in His great love would comfort me.

There were days where I just wanted to give up on keeping our house. I placed offerings on behalf of our home and prayed, read Psalm 112:3 “Wealth and riches are in my house and His righteousness endures forever” and many other Bible verses.

I even prayed all over the house placing my hands on each door, all the walls and everytime I would sweep and mop the floor I would pray for God’s grace and great mercy to give us our home.

Yes, I cried out to God for help and God gave us the Victory in Jesus Name!!

Just a couple  of months ago, the bank is offered us a 40 yr mortgage loan with 2% interest rate!!! They said: “If you make your monthly payments on time, we will forgive $47,125.53 of the principal loan balance of your loan each year on the anniversary of your first trail period payment date for three years.”

Praise GOD, for HE alone is faithful!!

Jesus took me to the following scriptures:

  • Deut 28 1-14 (turning my ways)
  • Philipians 4:4-9, (dispite my pain and daily anxiety to rejoice in Him even in tears and confusion)
  • Colossians 1:15 20 (The Supremacy of Christ above all things)
  • Matthew 6:14-15 (for I had to forgive everyone who came against me, very painful experience because it was one of my most intentional things I had to do)
  • Matthew 6:25-34 (I had to learn to trust in God once again every day and push all of my negative thoughts and emotions to the side)
  • Matthew 12:33-37 and James 3 (training my thoughts and the words that came out of my mouth, which were careless and full of doubt).
  • Proverbs 31 (in order to hold on to my marriage in understanding God’s purpose for it)
  • John 5:19 Jesus said ” I tell you the truth”, and again in verse 24 “I tell you the truth” verse 25 ” I tell you the truth”

Jesus kept repeating how He was speaking the truth to me so I had a decision to make and it was to stop hearing what everyone else was declaring over my life and trust what Jesus was declaring instead.

I held on to the Word of Truth, even when I felt desperate, alone and in despair… But God!! By his Grace and great Mercy are we still living in this house! Praise God!

To God Be the Glory and ALL the Honor! AMEN!

Liz Lyn

Florida, USA