Posts tagged ‘promise’

February 24, 2013

I held on to the Word of Truth…


A couple of years ago, I had lost my job, lost friends, my family deserted me and I was going through marital problems because of our financial struggles.

We went  back and forth with our mortgage bank to get a loan modification for four long years…  I felt desperate, alone and in despair.  Many a times I would cry out to God, but He in His great love would comfort me.

There were days where I just wanted to give up on keeping our house. I placed offerings on behalf of our home and prayed, read Psalm 112:3 “Wealth and riches are in my house and His righteousness endures forever” and many other Bible verses.

I even prayed all over the house placing my hands on each door, all the walls and everytime I would sweep and mop the floor I would pray for God’s grace and great mercy to give us our home.

Yes, I cried out to God for help and God gave us the Victory in Jesus Name!!

Just a couple  of months ago, the bank is offered us a 40 yr mortgage loan with 2% interest rate!!! They said: “If you make your monthly payments on time, we will forgive $47,125.53 of the principal loan balance of your loan each year on the anniversary of your first trail period payment date for three years.”

Praise GOD, for HE alone is faithful!!

Jesus took me to the following scriptures:

  • Deut 28 1-14 (turning my ways)
  • Philipians 4:4-9, (dispite my pain and daily anxiety to rejoice in Him even in tears and confusion)
  • Colossians 1:15 20 (The Supremacy of Christ above all things)
  • Matthew 6:14-15 (for I had to forgive everyone who came against me, very painful experience because it was one of my most intentional things I had to do)
  • Matthew 6:25-34 (I had to learn to trust in God once again every day and push all of my negative thoughts and emotions to the side)
  • Matthew 12:33-37 and James 3 (training my thoughts and the words that came out of my mouth, which were careless and full of doubt).
  • Proverbs 31 (in order to hold on to my marriage in understanding God’s purpose for it)
  • John 5:19 Jesus said ” I tell you the truth”, and again in verse 24 “I tell you the truth” verse 25 ” I tell you the truth”

Jesus kept repeating how He was speaking the truth to me so I had a decision to make and it was to stop hearing what everyone else was declaring over my life and trust what Jesus was declaring instead.

I held on to the Word of Truth, even when I felt desperate, alone and in despair… But God!! By his Grace and great Mercy are we still living in this house! Praise God!

To God Be the Glory and ALL the Honor! AMEN!

Liz Lyn

Florida, USA

February 10, 2011

Where is God?

"God is faithful to His word"

My name is Arlene Elea, and I am honored to be here today, alive and well, being able to share with you some real good news…  How I let Jesus Christ change my life.

Being a Christian all my life, I believed in the healing power of Jesus, yet I often wondered why I was sick.

For many years, I battled with severe digestive problems. Food allergies and sensitivities were increasing at alarming rates and I was losing excessive amounts of weight because of malnutrition.  Food journaling, rotating foods every three days and cooking of all of my meals became part of my every day life.  Searching for answers, I found myself traveling great distances to many doctors with the hope that they would be able to determine what was happening to my body.  Unfortunately, they seemed to help for only a short time, but they really could not explain what was going on. As a matter of fact, they did not even have a name for the condition.  Doctors had no answers and they could not help.

The thought of  “What can I do to help myself?” consumed me. Reading books and educating myself on nutrition became my main focus, almost an obsession.  It was very exhausting trying to make everyone think that I still had it all together… The truth was: I was a mess!  The harder I tried, the worse I became.

For years, I witnessed many healings and miracles in other people, but I always wondered why it wasn’t happening to me?  Why I wasn’t healed?

At 78 pounds with a stature of 5’8”, I found it very difficult to look at myself in the mirror.  My family wanted to help me but they did not know how. Seeing the pain in my family’s eyes broke my heart.  Watching my daughter’s fear through her rejection and avoidance was unbearable.   My church family and friends were praying for me daily yet my condition kept getting worse.

Reaching a moment of hopelessness, I thought to myself, “Where is God?” Afraid of what was to come, feeling desperate with nowhere to go and no direction, I called on Jesus.  I said “Lord, if I die, I go into your presence, and if you heal me the Glory will be yours… So either way this is a win-win situation Lord! So God, let it be your will.”

I remembered the words of my praying mother used to tell me, “God is faithful to His word!”… I started reading the Bible and praying daily and God would give me strength for the day.

When we pray, God hears us.  He heard my cry and he extended His healing hand of mercy and grace.  I left my self-sufficiency behind and decided to completely rely on God to take care of me and bring forth healing.

“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved…” Isaiah 30:15 NLT

I then realized God was waiting for me the whole time.  All I had to do was seek Him and place my trust in Him.  I wish I could tell you I was instantly healed, the fact is there were many days I didn’t even feel healed or felt that I was getting any better, but I kept reading His word.

“He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.” 1Peter 2:24 NLT

I had to walk in my healing even when Satan would try telling me that I wasn’t healed and that I would never get better.

“In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.” Ephesians 6:16 NLT

God’s word is stronger than any thought or feeling I ever felt! When fear would try to over take me, I would stand on the word of God.

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4 NLT

When thoughts of doubt invaded my mind, I would use God’s word of encouragement.

“But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.” James 1:6 NLT

When old habits and mind sets wanted to come back, I resisted them all in the name of Jesus.

“So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 NLT

As days went by, I started feeling stronger, feeling better and gaining weight.  Three months later, I had new blood work done and I returned to my doctor for a follow-up.  The results of the tests came back perfect!  My doctors were puzzled and asked me, “What did you do in such a short time to get this kind of results?”  And I stated,  “I did absolutely nothing, God did it all.”  I revealed,  “This is a miracle from God.”  The doctor seemed confused and baffled, but there wasn’t any other explanation for this type of miraculous turn around.

I am pleased to announce that I am completely healed today and more in love with my Savior Jesus Christ for setting me free.

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” John 8:36 NLT

Yes, I am free! If He did it for me, He will do it for you.  Let go of what’s holding you back from your miracle.  When you let go and let God, you will then experience His healing power. Whether is sickness, addiction, un-forgiveness, finances and/or peace of mind, God can set you free as well.

Search the word of God for your promises and trust Him. He will never let you down. Jesus was the answer I was waiting for… And He holds all of your answers.

I will be praying for you.  I hope that my story has somehow made a difference in your life and somehow brought you closer to God.

Your Sister in Chris†,

Arlene Elea

Florida, USA

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